Checkin in…

New week…new lease on life I say. It is literally like starting a new chapter of a book and not knowing what to expect, but excited at the prospects. So in light of that this begins the first of posts that highlight where I am in my life and what am looking towards at least for the next week. Here goes..

Motivated by.. You know the universe is trying to tell you something when this is the first thing that you land on on a Monday morning. Take a moment today to find your center and happiness in the present. Sometimes it is easier said than done. However, nobody said this journey called life would be easy.

Obsessing over… blogging blogging blogging. I have so many ideas I guess I should settle down and calm myself. I find sometimes obsessing can be just as unhealthy as it can be productive. Having said that..I cannot help but smile every time a new idea hits me. That for me is the start of a very positive chapter.

Reading… Ghana Must Go… if this was last week Taiye Selasi would have been under my obsessing over tag. She is so smart and how gorgeous is she..VERY. I listened to an interview she did about how and when she got the idea to write this book ( On You Tube I think ) and my conclusion is you never know when the inspiration will hit you and when it does…you better do everything you can to share it with the world. It makes the future of female writers seem all so bright.

Listening to… SOHN how bloody AMAZING is this loving listening to him..and especially..once you listen to him do VETO live…bloody amazing…

Excited over… the freaking WORLD CUP…end of.

Getting over… the final episode of Game Of Thrones..( No spoilers ).

Psyched over... Finishing my first short story…Yikes..this being a grown up and believing in your dreams and passion is exciting and scary all at the same time.


How have I never thought to do this?? Ooh well everything in good time..






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