Road Trippin!!!

Some of my favorite things to do is to pack a bag and hit the road. Not in a running away sort of thing, although I fear that I might have done that in a past life lol. Last weekend happened to be such a time. A group of my girls thought we would get out of town for a few days, smell some clean fresh air do some nature walking and have a good ol’ girls time. Playlist music packed off we went…Destination Naivasha Sopa Resort. This was the second time we were there so we kind of knew what to expect, and it’s always a good thing to avoid any nasty surprises when the ultimate plan is to UNWIND.

Took some road shots because the wider Kenya is pretty gorgeous when it wants to be and nothing beats expanse mountain shots for me. I will now post a barrage of pictures in an attempt to have them speak for themselves. Enjoy

Best travel shoes EVER!!

Best travel shoes EVER!!

Sopa 22

Photo Jul 10, 4 57 38 PM

Sopa 21

Room to Lie

Room to Lie


They view from outside the cottage

They view from outside the cottage





Profile <3

Profile ❤


Photo Jul 11, 6 12 33 PM




Photo Jul 11, 6 09 42 PM



Photo Jul 11, 6 09 28 PM






Paths that were meant for walking!!!

Paths that were meant for walking!!!


Horses make any picture look GOOD!!

Horses make any picture look GOOD!!

Save the BEST FOR LAST…Behold!!!



Get explorin’..

Love and Light

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